Thursday, November 10, 2011


Yesterday we finished up a film from Iñárritu by the name of Biutiful. Still have yet to fully grasp the meaning of this particular title. Neverthless, it truly is a gem. All about a man scraping by to sustain his family's livelihood who learns he is dying from cancer. Is set in Barcelona, Spain, and holy moley, I have never seen modern Europe portrayed like this. You get a taste of intersecting cultures involved in the black market. To make ends, people must side with their demons. And many times people seem wasted and stomped upon.

This film is lit up by the main character's two adorable little children. It gave me reason to reflect on our own journey through parenthood. Already what we say and especially what I do have a direct affect on this child of ours. How the father manages to figure out best-case scenario right before he passes on pulls at the heartstrings. Already we are finding ourselves making sacrifices, toning down our language and tuning into better daily living, planning ahead more, communicating well, opening up, checking in, doing the right stuff it sure feels like.

Another screen saver we have been zoning in on is the television show Parenthood. We amuse ourselves with how immersed we both are in the story and music and can readily identify with certain characters. As you might gather, a lot more relaxing on the couch and flipping on the screens these days. Very unlike both of us. However, we all needs breaks, and I welcome this change, fully aware it won't last but a month longer.

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